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Results 771 to 780 of 817
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Plant Photo 1
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Blackhaw Viburnum
Viburnum prunifolium

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  10 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An underutilized native shrub with many attributes; showy clusters of creamy white flowers in spring, pinkish-red berries which...

Plant Photo 2
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Leatherleaf Viburnum
Viburnum rhytidophyllum

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  15 feet
Spread:  10 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An excellent large shrub, with showy clusters of fragrant white flowers in spring followed by brilliant red fruit in fall;...

Plant Photo 3
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Burkwood Viburnum
Viburnum x burkwoodii

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  10 feet
Spread:  7 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Among the finest of garden shrubs, an upright mounded beauty with intensely fragrant ball-shaped clusters of pinkish-white...

Plant Photo 4
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Mohawk Viburnum
Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Mohawk'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  7 feet
Spread:  7 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

One of the finest garden shrubs, featuring showy red flower buds opening to intensely fragrant ball-shaped clusters of pink...

Plant Photo 5
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Judd's Viburnum
Viburnum x juddii

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  7 feet
Spread:  7 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An intoxicatingly fragrant garden shrub when in bloom, covered in rounded clusters of white flowers in early spring, plant where...

Plant Photo 6
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Prague Viburnum
Viburnum x pragense

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  10 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An attractive broadleaf evergreen shrub featuring large flat-topped clusters of creamy white flowers in spring and small shiny...

Plant Photo 7
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Alleghany Viburnum
Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  10 feet
Spread:  12 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An exceptional landscape shrub, featuring flat-topped clusters of creamy white flowers in spring and fruit which starts brilliant...

Plant Photo 8
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Flip Side® Chaste Tree
Vitex 'Bailtexone'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  8 feet
Spread:  8 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A compact hybrid selection with airy spikes of reblooming purple flowers throughout summer; distinctive olive green palmate...

Plant Photo 9
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Delta Blues™ Chaste Tree
Vitex agnus-castus 'PIIVAC-I'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  8 feet
Spread:  8 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An intermediate sized selection featuring fragrant, dark bluish-purple flower spikes in late summer; dark green foliage is...

Plant Photo 10
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Blue Puffball™ Chaste Tree
Vitex agnus-castus 'PIIVAC-II'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  3 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A dwarf garden shrub with airy spikes of deep purple-blue, fragrant flowers throughout the summer; distinctive sea-green palmate...


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